We're back with another day in the life! This time we'll follow our skilled bartenders around a typical wedding...
First job of the day is setting up the bars. Often, we have multiple bars dotted across the venue, with boutique outside bars proving very popular during our warmer months. Whether its meticulously preparing fruit for a specially requested cocktail bar, decorating the outside Pimms unit, or pouring enough champagne for 100 guests, the diversity of bartending keeps us on the ball! If you’re an aspiring mixologist, find our recipe for our favourite dark'n'stormy cocktail here! I’m a strong believer that providing an excellent drinks reception sets the precedent for the remainder of the day.

Later, when the guests filter out of the ceremony hall, we have one objective: make sure everyone has a drink in their hand. We don’t want any empty glasses for the couple’s photos! Meandering round the venue, armed with our selection of soft/alcoholics drinks, topping up dwindling glasses ensures every guest has their drink of choice for all of the reception.
Fast-forward a few hours, we’ve exhausted the supply of reception drinks and guests are beginning to turn their thoughts to their 3-course wedding dinner. There’s a saying within Tandem that the only thing better than our food is a plate of it paired with some beautiful wine! During all 3 courses we sweep through the dining room, checking on drinks and topping up wherever needed. No one wants to be thirsty when they’re eating!
Whist our guests enjoy their pudding, our bartending attention is turned towards preparation for the toast. We see a wide range of drinks for this (vodka, tequila, port, to name just a few) but the most common request is champagne. Filling 140 champagne flutes is no easy feat but our experienced bartenders could probably do it with their eyes shut! Hearing the cheers of the toast is a very satisfying part of the day as you can hear your efforts towards the day being appreciated!

Lastly, we clear away all glasses, clean down any area we’ve used and prepare the venue for evening drinks. Countless trips to the bottle bin later and we’re done. To conclude the day, the bar team has a quick informal meeting to reflect on the day, then it’s home time, and a deserved drink for us!